Absence Management Software

Released on: September 22, 2007, 5:20 am

Press Release Author: Data Recovery Directories

Industry: Computers

Press Release Summary: Absence management software record employee's absenteeism,
system manage employee leave, vacation, workers working hours and finally calculate
the report. Large or Small, your organization can benefit immediately from deploying

Press Release Body: Does your organization manage time efficiently? Do you know who
is absent today? How long does it take you to calculate leave entitlements for your
employees? Absence management system record employee's absenteeism, large or small,
your organization can benefit immediately from deploying AMS. For those
organizations that must adhere to the European Working Time Directive this is now an
essential product. AMS is a specialist software application that provides timely
management information on the effects of absenteeism in the workplace. Features
include highly configurable timesheet and expense reporting, payroll integration,
vacation planning, absence recording, user profiling, and end-user report
customization. Web-based or windows deployment options are available. A trial
version is freely available for download now from www.amslive.com. The ease with
which AMS can be integrated with payroll and other information systems allows you to
build solidly on your existing investment in information technology without having
to miss out on the advanced feature set offered by AMS. For the HR department, AMS
is a productivity tool that delivers real-time analysis information. For IT
administrators, AMS offers a proven technical solution for the perennial information
management problem of time and attendance. Deploy and forget is an often touted, but
seldom achieved software ideal - AMS is finally a software application that
delivers. For employees AMS offers an efficient way of digitally submitting time
sheets of hours works, overtime calculation and expense claim forms, vacation
request and approval tracking, with full support for flexi-time and service day
accruals. Full Information covering the HR productivity tools published by Keogh
Software is available on the AMS product website www.amslive.com.

Web Site: http://www.ddiitt.com

Contact Details: ddiitt.com,91-9868337762,91-9868337762,absmgmt@ddiitt.com

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